Friday, March 15, 2013

On: Days Off

Today, the Munchkin has off from school. Something about it being a teacher day. I don't really know. I do know, that she seems to have these free days every month.

Maybe it's just me, but I never had this many days off from school growing up.
So, instead of staying home today with her climbing off the walls, we are making a trip to Palm Springs to pick up things for the Belly Munchkin's arrival.

I've decided this time around two things: 1) Children don't need as much as a new mother might think, and 2) I'm making as much of the stuff that is needed, by hand. Since I'm teaching myself to sew, this is both fun and a challenge.

What do you do on days when your children have off from school?


Friday, March 8, 2013

On: Rain

Many moons ago, the Marine whisked me away from the Pacific Northwest and the gray, dreary, rainy days I'd grown up with. Since that time the number of rain days I've experienced have been minimal. Especially since we've lived in the desert. I can count on one hand the number of days it's rained at our current home in the four years we've been here. 

Today included. 

Now, a lot of people love the rain and rejoice whenever it graces us with its wetness. 

Me, I'm the opposite. 

Days when it rains are longer, more depressing, and I often feel like Bane from Batman--or possibly the Wicked Witch of the West. It's possible it could melt me if I get trapped outside in it. 

Rain in my opinion is fine at night, while I'm sleeping, as long as all signs of it are gone by the first rays of light in the morning. 

And, that seems to happen even less than the rain. 

How do you feel about rain? What about snow? Are you a sun worshiper or do you rejoice in the moisture and change of rain?


Monday, March 4, 2013

On: The Sound of Silence

I've heard the phrase, 'the sound of silence' a few times (okay, a few hundred) in my life. Now, on the rare occasion when I wake up before the Munchkin, one of my first thoughts other than, 'I have to pee' and 'wow, she's still asleep, I must mark this on a calendar', is about how much I love the sound of silence. It's complete, it's beautiful, and it's a calm like nothing else I will experience all day.

Then my mind comes up with this.

If silence is silent, can it really be classified as a sound?


Friday, March 1, 2013

On: Life in the Baby Making Lane

Things are a lot different this time around than they were when I was carrying the Munchkin. I don't have half as much time to lounge around and do nothing. I haven't decided if this is a blessing or a curse. Most likely it is both.

I'm starting to make lists for the Belly Munchkin's arrival. Whether I'll actually ever manage to check anything off those lists is yet to be seen. I have however, been able to squeeze some time in for weekly yoga. Not as much as I managed before I started carrying around an additional person, but at least it is still something. I've also recently started attending an prenatal aqua-fitness class designed specifically for my friend and I by the director and assistant director of the pool I worked at pre-pregnancy.

It's been nice getting back into the water, even if that meant finding a swimsuit to fit around my expanding middle. I guess, out here in the middle of the desert, near a military base where the number one past time seems to be procreating, they don't actually find it necessary to offer maternity anything. I guess they just expect those women who often times jump from pregnancy to pregnancy to walk around naked while they're gestating.

That's a thought for another day, I'm sure.

I've got the goal of producing two books this year, and I haven't really started working on anything at all, because I seem to only have the ability to power one brain at a time, and since growing a brain is very important, my thoughts have been jumbled and not wholly useful in the world of my writing career. I've been tossing around ideas, and some how I know everything will find a way of working out.

I would love to hear what is going on in my dear readers' lives.
