Monday, August 15, 2011

On Fight Scenes and Death

The first things I ever wrote were of darkness and death. Fights filled with smoke, sweat and blood. Terror and torture so detailed the reader was sucked in and had to fight beside the hero to get back out.

The hero always overcomes the circumstances, no matter how brutal and mentally damaging it could be.

After all, it's fiction. If it were real life I wouldn't want any part of it.

Some days the words of violence and battle flow like a river after the Spring Thaw.

Today is not one of those days.

The last week my stream has been more like a wash in the desert. Dry and cracking.

I'm two chapters from the end of the first book in my YA series. The same one I thought I'd finished a month ago, only to decide it had ended too abruptly. I guess that's why it's best to put it away for a while and come back to it later.

At the rate I'm going, I'll still be two chapters from the end when the Munchkin turns four..and I turn... well, I'll get older too.

This is unacceptable to me.

I live for the violence--interspersed with happiness, love, and sexual tension--but over all, I look forward to writing the battles.

Power amazes me.

Strength enthralls me.

I blame it on being married to a Marine--my very own Super Hero.

I've never been to a war zone, but I can write a scene like I'd been next to a Marine on the front lines.

Smoke burns my eyes as it blows on the wind, the copper scent of spilled blood clogs my sinuses, and the gritty  taste of desert sand fills my mouth. Gunfire rings in my ears, and the weight of my gear drags at my exhausted body.

Adrenaline is the only thing keeping me awake.

So, why then, can I not write the final battle of the book? It's not even a huge battle just the conclusion to the minor problems of the first part of the story.

It should be a cake walk.

It isn't.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm open to them.

What do you most enjoy writing? What do you do when the words don't come?



  1. Well, from that little snippet I'm wondering if maybe it isn't the right time for that scene. If you're blocked. Maybe it's more of eluding that it will happen, but not the actual battle? What I've done before is write a scene that I think should be in the story and set it aside. It will tell you where it needs to go when you get to that point. Hope that helps!

  2. Are you nervous this battle will sound to similar to the first? If so, maybe try a fight of your own. Gather some of the girls together and go out to a laser or paint gun facility. I've never done it myself, but I imagine it'll trigger a whole host of things you can call on for this and future writings.

  3. No, not similar to the first--not at all. Actually, it's just finding the words to make it emotional and compelling. It's slow going, but once I get it done it will be something I can be proud of!

    Thanks for you insight. I might go and do that just for the heck of it. I know for most of my technical stuff my husband-- 'the Marine'-- will do a step by step demo for me. It's great seeing him do it with my Niece. :)

  4. @Melanie,

    You might have been right and it wasn't quite the right time. I've added more information throughout the story and more detail, and I'm now working my way through to the battle. Hopefully when it's time to actually write the particular scene the words will flow smoothly.

    Thanks for your insight. :)
